Welcome back! CDCUSA Celebrating 19 years of service in 2025
Welcome back! CDCUSA Celebrating 19 years of service in 2025
The Camp Location and some information below is subject to change and or be updated for Summer 2025. Last update 12/10/2024 Please check back for updated information & links.
Domenic Massari Park (Palmdale)
Camp Phone: (661) 281-5246
K-6th Grades in Fall 2025
Leader in Training:
LIT Program 7th - 9th Grades in Fall 2025
TEEN Work Experience & Job Training:
CIT /Counselor in Training 10th -12th Grades Fall 2025 (Ask how you can Volunteer or make $)
Ongoing Lifeguard Trainings Available
Ongoing First Aid & CPR Training Available
SUMMER 2025 Theme: Summer Celebration!
Being involved in peer to peer programs supports a positive look on life and supports our overall Mental Health. While we are at the Program Center Location, your child is assigned to an age-appropriate group. While on Field Trips some children are allowed to make Buddy Groups. (Parents’ permission & release must be signed for this privilege)
Staff are stationed and roaming throughout the trip area / park or Location, with the buddy groups roaming learning independence and leadership.
LIT & CITs are also learning how to take on Responsibilities while helping the younger Campers within the Buddy Groups. Together everyone learns how to be a team.
NOTE: There are buddy Groups at the Beach or Lake locations. (no one is allowed to be alone while on water trips).
Fees: $98.00 per child per Session / week in 2025
M-F Weekly Sessions: Each Camp week Starts on Monday and ends on Friday. Your child may attend one week or all 10 weeks.
Your Childs spot is only guaranteed if you have made a deposit for that week. Camp weeks can fill up. If that is the case your child will be placed on the wait list.
Note: one low price! $98.00 per week ALL INCLUDED, a $10.00 Deposit must be made for each week you register for. This deposit will be applied to your weekly fee. Your weekly fee will reduce to $88.00 per week per child registered.
Financial Aid is available on a sliding scale.
There are No Refunds for deposits or paid weeks. YES, 3rd party funding is Available for those qualified agencies. The Best day camp Ever is Accredited by CDCUSA and Board Approved for the Accreditation Day Camp Program.
Camp Fees Include:
· All Field Trips
· All Transportation (To and from trip locations)
· Daily Lunch & Breakfast (Parent Provides)
Parents need to be aware of schedules, trip issues etc. Field trip days have Departure & Return times, make special note of these days. Don't miss the bus.
Trips & Times are subject to change.
Some trips are still being booked, so when you see TBD. That means we are still booking that trip day. The Daily Schedules can be seen HERE They include field trips, board games, arts & crafts, hang out, cards, and relaxation most days. If your child is not a swimmer or likes riding rides that is ok. We will work with them on other activities while on the trip. This camp is designed to teach independence and responsibility. Camp allows for child choice and freedoms while in a SAFE Supervised Fun Environment.
Camp uses the Buddy / Check-in Systems
10 week / Camp Activity & Field Trip Schedules:
NOTE Minimum of 5 Campers needed to open 2 extra weeks
Week 11 Aug. No Program Schedule at this time
Week 12 Aug. No Program Schedule at this time
Come meet Camp Staff, meet other Parents, turn in last-minute paperwork, meet other kids in the camps, learn any last-minute information. Attendance Optional but encouraged!
Date and time - TBD / 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Manzanita House / Palmdale CA.
100 Degrees/higher - YOUR CHILD MAY CHOOSE NOT to Participate in some outdoor activities and that is ok.
Mental Health is important / Through our proven programs your child will learn
· Self-Esteem & Self Confidence in a Fun Environment
· How to work with others and peers in a Fun Environment
· Independent Decision-making skills in a Fun Environment
· How to value others and their opinions in a Fun Environment
· Free Choice (Child Choice) developing decision making skills
Being involved in peer to peer programs supports a positive look on life and supports our overall Mental Health.
As part of GOOD Mental Health, Our Day Camp Teaches & uses the Six Pillars of Character Daily:
The Six Pillars of Character is a framework for teaching good character and is composed of six ethical values (characteristics) everyone can agree upon: Trustworthiness; Respect; Responsibility; Fairness; Caring; and Citizenship. Each of the six-character traits are used within our CHARACTER COUNTS, a program to help instill a positive learning environment for students and a “culture of kindness” making camps & schools a safe environment for students to learn.
Since 2006 CDCUSA has been a Member of the Character Counts Coalition: The Six Pillars of Character values are not political, religious, or culturally biased. In fact, every year since 1995 our program has been officially recognized and endorsed by the U.S. Senate and The President of the United States. See more at https://charactercounts.org/program-overview/six-pillars
Child Safety Standards & Staff:
Certified Lifeguards are present in all Aquatic Activities
Staff are Certified by the CDCUSA and the American Red Cross
All CDCUSA Bus / Drivers meet the CA. DMV Driving License Standards
Additional Staff are American Red Cross Lifeguards – First Aid/CPR Certified.
For more information www.redcross.org
AUTHORIZATION-ACKNOWLEDGMENT YOU’RE ENROLLING YOUR CHILD INTO A WALK UP- DAY CAMP. SIGN IN/OUT IS OPTIONAL NOT REQUIRED BY PARENT UNLESS THE BOX IS CHECKED ON YOUR CHILDS HEALTH HISTORY FORM! This allows a Parent to pull up, waive and make eye contact with staff, then your child is released to meet the parent at the car. Staff then sign out for the parent. (optional) Or if the child is old enough to walk home, they can be released at a certain time to do so. (Not recommended but an option)
Authorization & Acknowledgement Form REQUIRED. Some YOUTH sign them self in and out of camp each day as they arrive and depart camp. With that said upon request Parents have the option to sign their child in and out of camp each day. See Acknowledgement Form for more details (This is not required). Part of the camp learning environment is the independent process teaching your child responsibility. While we encourage Parents to pick up and drop off their child from the pickup/drop off location, it is not required. This is a travel camp.
NOTE: Once the bus departs there is no staff present as they leave with the trip. DON’T BE LATE.
Camp runs on the Buddy system during some Field Trips, no child will be alone and must be in a group of 3 or more size groups. Groups can change daily. It is up to your child who they hang with during the trips. Once a group is established for that day they are required to stay with the group until check in. Then the child has the option to change groups. Your child will check in with staff while on the trip and will not be forced to be in large groups. Time is provided to break into groups on the Daily Schedule.
(Child choice) They will have the freedom to use the buddy system to make choices on what rides and slides they go on. If a child does not have a group, they will be encouraged to join a group. If they still choose not to use the buddy system, they are welcome to hang with the staff person assigned. Safety is a priority, again no child can be alone while on a trip or during camp hours.
If the child demonstrates they cannot be in a group or are a behavior problem, they will lose the option of free choice and will be assigned a staff member to hang with that day.
Discipline Problems will result in Suspension from camp.
(NO REFUNDS for suspensions or absences due to illness or injury. All fees paid have been and used in pre-paid CDCUSA contracts. Passes, buses, employees etc.).
A code of conduct form must be signed by parent and child. Please review this form with your child.
All Camp Forms Health history and other enrolment forms will be sent to parents electronically upon registration - deposit. You can also download them below.
A Water bottle
Swimsuit, sunscreen, and towel (PARENTS apply sun-screen at home every day before camp)
Backpack to keep belongings in
Did we say Bring a (Water Bottle)
Water shoes are best for Lake days, Walmart carries them.
SUNSCREEN-We recommend that you apply sunscreen to your child before bringing him/her to camp as ALL camp activities take place outdoors.
NOTE: Camp is not responsible for any lost toys, electronic devises, phones, passes, Sports bottle, etc. (bring at own risk of being stolen or broke)
Staff are ONLY permitted to administer prescription medication only with written authorization of the parent. Medication must be in the original bottle and turned into staff. Children are not to share any over-the-counter medication. There are no refunds for absences due to illness or injury. Again, All fees paid have been used in pre-paid CDCUSA contracts. Passes, busses, employees etc.
Major Events, Injury, Earthquakes or Terrorist Events (whereas transportation is not safe)
CAMP WILL STAY PUT AT the CAMP LOCATION FOR ANY MAJOR EVENT. Staff will stay with every child until they are picked up. If Freeways are closed your CHILD WILL STAY WITH STAFF After A MAJOR Event. (Earthquake, terrorist event, act of nature where transportation is not safe). Staff will stay with children as long as it takes for parents to arrive. (Pending Local Authorities Orders)
For child injury (if it’s life threatening, 9-1-1 will be called first). Then we will attempt to contact the parent/guardian. If after repeated attempts (2) We will attempt to contact any person listed on the Health History Form Emergency Contacts.
This camp is a ALL Exclusive Enrolment camp. By reserving your child’s camp experience, you are also committing to all payments.
Deposit or Registration Fees must be made in full at the time of registration. Your Deposit/registration fee is non-refundable.
You may take advantage of our payment plan seen here or parents can choose to charge the full camp fee on a Credit Card. Then make their payment later. If payment is not received by the due date noted below, your deposit will be forfeited, and your spot will be available to others.
While we do not anticipate ALL Camps are subject to closure for lack of enrollment. Parents will be offered other locations or a FULL REFUND if CDCUSA closes a camp.
Camp Deposit/Registration Fee $10.00 per week This fee applies whether you sign up for 1 week or 10 weeks. it is a onetime fee and must be paid at the time of registration It reserves your Childs spot for ALL Summer - Camps have limited space (Again No Refunds)
Fees Breakdown to a weekly rate: $98.00 per person
You can choose to charge the whole summer, make 4 easy ONLINE Payments or Weekly Payments. Weekly payments are due the (Wed.) Prior to the following week (Monday).
Payments MUST be made online at cdcusa.org or can be Mailed and received on or before June 10, 2025:
Best Day Camp Ever
38045 47th Street East E 251
Palmdale, CA. 93552
1. Go to cdcusa.org
2. Select Your Day Camp week
3. Pay in full or make your Deposit/registration fee. You will receive a Receipt in your Email box used (Use Parents Name and email for Registration and Payments) Upon making your payment or deposit you will receive your Childs Enrolment Paperwork by email with other information to further the registration process.
4. Bring these completed forms to your child’s first day at camp
Or Mail to
Best Day Camp Ever
38045 47th Street East E 251
Palmdale, CA. 93552
Supported by: The City of Palmdale (Parks)